Broadwater Farm Estate

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Commonplace facilitates this conversation on behalf of the team made up of the organisations listed here. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes stated in each organisation’s privacy policy.
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Haringey Council

Haringey is our home, and we are proud of it. We are ambitious for Haringey’s future and have great ambitions for the people who live here. The council will work in partnership with Homes for Haringey, our partners, as well as the existing local residents and community to improve the local area. We are committed to addressing the disparities within our borough and will ensure we create a fairer and more equal community. Any new development must be more than shiny new buildings, it must bring new opportunities for local people and ensure the existing community can participate and benefit from the investment in their neighbourhood. We are eager to work with partners who share our vision; to collectively, with local people, improve our borough in a way that ensures our whole community not only can live a good life, but thrive.

Read Haringey Council privacy policyPrivacy policy link

sketch of people


This project will not be a success without you, the community getting involved. We need your input to make sure the project meets residents’ needs.
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Commonplace connects you to the people who create the places where you live, work and play. A platform to speak and be heard by developers, councils, and public bodies to initiate better decisions and places for all.

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